FTXUI  5.0.0
C++ functional terminal UI.
// Copyright 2020 Arthur Sonzogni. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by the MIT license that can be found in
// the LICENSE file.
#include <memory> // for allocator, shared_ptr, __shared_ptr_access
#include <string> // for string, basic_string, char_traits, operator+
#include <vector> // for vector
#include "ftxui/component/captured_mouse.hpp" // for ftxui
#include "ftxui/component/component.hpp" // for Button, Renderer, Horizontal, Tab
#include "ftxui/component/component_base.hpp" // for ComponentBase
#include "ftxui/component/screen_interactive.hpp" // for ScreenInteractive
#include "ftxui/dom/elements.hpp" // for operator|, Element, filler, text, hbox, separator, center, vbox, bold, border, clear_under, dbox, size, GREATER_THAN, HEIGHT
int main() {
using namespace ftxui;
auto screen = ScreenInteractive::TerminalOutput();
// There are two layers. One at depth = 0 and the modal window at depth = 1;
int depth = 0;
// The current rating of FTXUI.
std::string rating = "3/5 stars";
// At depth=0, two buttons. One for rating FTXUI and one for quitting.
auto button_rate_ftxui = Button("Rate FTXUI", [&] { depth = 1; });
auto button_quit = Button("Quit", screen.ExitLoopClosure());
auto depth_0_container = Container::Horizontal({
auto depth_0_renderer = Renderer(depth_0_container, [&] {
return vbox({
text("Modal dialog example"),
text("☆☆☆ FTXUI:" + rating + " ☆☆☆") | bold,
}) |
// At depth=1, The "modal" window.
std::vector<std::string> rating_labels = {
"1/5 stars", "2/5 stars", "3/5 stars", "4/5 stars", "5/5 stars",
auto on_rating = [&](std::string new_rating) {
rating = new_rating;
depth = 0;
auto depth_1_container = Container::Horizontal({
Button(&rating_labels[0], [&] { on_rating(rating_labels[0]); }),
Button(&rating_labels[1], [&] { on_rating(rating_labels[1]); }),
Button(&rating_labels[2], [&] { on_rating(rating_labels[2]); }),
Button(&rating_labels[3], [&] { on_rating(rating_labels[3]); }),
Button(&rating_labels[4], [&] { on_rating(rating_labels[4]); }),
auto depth_1_renderer = Renderer(depth_1_container, [&] {
return vbox({
text("Do you like FTXUI?"),
}) |
auto main_container = Container::Tab(
auto main_renderer = Renderer(main_container, [&] {
Element document = depth_0_renderer->Render();
if (depth == 1) {
document = dbox({
depth_1_renderer->Render() | clear_under | center,
return document;
return 0;
Component Horizontal(Components children)
A list of components, drawn one by one horizontally and navigated horizontally using left/right arrow...
Definition: container.cpp:360
Component Tab(Components children, int *selector)
A list of components, where only one is drawn and interacted with at a time. The |selector| gives the...
Definition: container.cpp:405
Definition: elements.hpp:148
Element clear_under(Element element)
Before drawing |child|, clear the pixels below. This is useful in.
Definition: clear_under.cpp:37
Decorator size(WidthOrHeight, Constraint, int value)
Apply a constraint on the size of an element.
Definition: size.cpp:90
std::shared_ptr< Node > Element
Definition: elements.hpp:23
Element bold(Element)
Use a bold font, for elements with more emphasis.
Definition: bold.cpp:33
Component Button(ButtonOption options)
Draw a button. Execute a function when clicked.
Definition: button.cpp:175
Component Renderer(Component child, std::function< Element()>)
Return a new Component, similar to |child|, but using |render| as the Component::Render() event.
Definition: renderer.cpp:63
Element hbox(Elements)
A container displaying elements horizontally one by one.
Definition: hbox.cpp:83
Element center(Element)
Center an element horizontally and vertically.
Element text(std::wstring text)
Display a piece of unicode text.
Definition: text.cpp:120
Element dbox(Elements)
Stack several element on top of each other.
Definition: dbox.cpp:108
Element separator()
Draw a vertical or horizontal separation in between two other elements.
Definition: separator.cpp:132
Element filler()
An element that will take expand proportionnally to the space left in a container.
Definition: flex.cpp:98
Definition: elements.hpp:149
Element border(Element)
Draw a border around the element.
Definition: border.cpp:227
Element vbox(Elements)
A container displaying elements vertically one by one.
Definition: vbox.cpp:83